BANKING ON SNOW – Effects of Climate Change on Ski Tourism
This project analyzes the adaptation of the Austrian ski tourism industry to changes in snow risk, and the role of the banking sector in this process.
Methods: Causal econometrics.
Funding: No external funding.
Institutions: HU Berlin.

CONFILIENCE – Consumer Financial Resilience to Climate Change
This project analyzes effects of climate change on the risk of consumer insolvencies in Germany.
Methods: Nonlinear data modeling, climate modeling.
Funding: BMBF.
Institutions: Deutscher Wetterdienst (lead), HU Berlin.

FEIRE – Financing Ecological Investments in Real Estate
This project analyzes financial constraints to the ecological modernization of German Real Estate.
Methods: Field studies, calibration of a model for analyzing policy options.
Funding: BMBF.
Institutions: HU Berlin (lead), MCC, Haus & Grund e.V.

OVERHANG – Debt Overhang in Green Investments
This project analyzes the role of banks in the transition to a low-carbon economy, with a focus on consequences of climate policy shocks and financial regulation.
Methods: Causal econometrics and calibration of macro-finance models.
Funding: BMBF.
Institutions: IWH (lead), PIK, HU Berlin.

This project explores the potential for leveraging investors’ desire for social status in order to mobilize capital for ecological investments.
Methods: Field study.
Funding: Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg.
Institutions: HU Berlin (lead), MCC.